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5 simple tips to make healthy food choices

15 April 2022
Gurkirat Singh


When it comes to eating healthy, there is a gigantic amount of information out there on the internet. This or that diet, low fat or high fat, high carb or low carb and so on. The Internet is filled with gurus who claim that their diet is best. Well I rest my case. There is no single diet which can be wholesome for everyone according to my experience. Therefore, here are 5 general tips from my side to make better food choices.

1. Surround yourself with good food - I can't stress on this enough. If your refrigerator is stuffed with junk then you are likely to consume it at some point in time (usually when you are having a craving). So the first thing to do is to throw the junk where it the dustbin. 

2. Fruits and Vegetables are your friend- I know every nutrition book tells you that. Well all of them are right! When it comes to choosing between foods, nothing comes close to your humble fruits and veggies. How do you incorporate them in your diet? Well there is no specific answer to that. Get creative!

3. Minimize packaged food- Packaged foods are loaded with preservatives, synthetic colors, high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated vegetable oils, sugars among many. In simple words these are not 'foods' meant to be consumed by the human body.

4. Carry dry fruits and nuts while travelling- If you are living in the twenty-first century economy, you are likely to be on the move for various purposes. The trick here is to not feel too hungry. Problem starts when you start craving for food. 

5. Stick to plant based foods- There is more and more scientific evidence that plant based foods are better for the body. Animal products are loaded with bacteria, antibiotics, hormones, dioxins, and a host of other toxins that can cause serious health problems.

Author - Gurkirat Singh, Core Team, Core Asana.

Gurkirat is a fitness enthusiast. He has experimented with lots of different diets over the years and finally found fruits and vegetables to be his true friends. He has recently walked the entire length of India! Connect with him on his instagram handle @grandmilesaway.