Certified Skin-Safe
HIPS Plastic
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Each session activates and enhances body’s circulatory & immune system
HIPS Plastic
Best Seller
Each session activates and enhances body’s circulatory & immune system
skin-safe HIPS Plastic
high density material
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Acupressure stimulates the body's circulatory, lymphatic and hormonal systems.
As you lay on the mat, 204 spiky massagers activate 5500 energy points in the body ; leading to increase in blood circulation & enhanced oxygenation
As you lay on the mat, 204 spiky massagers activate 5500 energy points in the body ; leading to increase in blood circulation & enhanced oxygenation
Yogis used nail beds for natural healing
Wooden tools were used to stimulate tissues
AcuTech mat is designed for modern-day problems
Come & experience our products at our partnering yoga studios & retreats
All our raw materials, 100% safe & natural, are procured from certified vendors & passes a rigorous quality tests. We believe in delivering value- to our customers & to our own people.
All our raw materials, 100% safe & natural, are procured from certified vendors and have passed rigorous quality tests. We believe in delivering true value to our customers.
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