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Acupressure for Foot

14 September 2023
Aastha Waldia

As runners, we all know the feeling of pushing our bodies to the limit. The rush of endorphins and the sense of accomplishment that comes with crossing the finish line is indescribable. However, with the high impact nature of running, it's no surprise that many of us experience pain and discomfort in our feet.

Foot Pain For Runners

It starts as a nagging discomfort in your feet and before you know it, it can turn into a full-blown injury that's preventing you from training.

Whether it's plantar fasciitis, heel spurs, or an overuse injury, foot pain can be a major roadblock in our training and even keep us from toeing the starting line on race day.

Here is a list of the most common causes of foot injury for runners. See what you can avoid and how you can solve the rest!

>Plantar fasciitis: it's when the tissue that connects your heel to your toes gets swollen and hurts.

>Heel spurs: it's when a bony growth forms on the heel, which can be very painful.

>Overuse injuries: It's when you use your feet too much and the muscles and tendons gets tired and sore.

>Wearing the wrong shoes: If your shoes are too small, too old, or not designed for running, it can cause pain and injuries in your feet.

>Not stretching properly: If you don't stretch your feet and legs before and after running, it can lead to tight muscles and soreness.

>Running on hard surfaces: Running on concrete or asphalt can be hard on your feet and can lead to pain and injuries.

While the causes can be many, what if we told you there's a solution that's been gaining traction among runners and it's as simple as a mat?



Acupressure Mat For Runners

Acupressure is an ancient healing technique that uses pressure to stimulate specific points on the body, promoting pain relief and healing.

Borrowing the ancient proven wisdom, acupressure mats have become increasingly popular in recent years as a natural way to alleviate pain and promote healing in the feet.

These mats are designed with round, spiky massagers that stimulate pressure points on the feet, specifically targeting the areas that runners tend to experience pain in.

It's like giving your feet a deep tissue massage, but without the need for a massage therapist. 

You can use the mat at home, whenever you want, and it's portable.

You start using the acupressure mat daily, and within a few days, you will notice a difference as AcuTech acupressure mat,

  • Stimulates blood flow, reduces inflammation: The pressure from the spikes on the acupressure mat increases blood flow to the feet, which helps to reduce inflammation and promote healing.

  • Relieves muscle tension: The pressure helps to release tension in the muscles and tendons in the feet, which can help to reduce pain and improve flexibility.

  • Activates the body's natural pain-relieving response: AcuTech mat stimulates the release of endorphins, the body's natural pain-relieving chemicals, which helps to reduce pain and improve overall well-being.

  • Improves sleep: Acupressure helps to improve sleep, which is important for runners as sleep is crucial for recovery and injury prevention.

  • Improves balance and coordination: The pressure points help to improve balance and coordination, which is great for runners as it can prevent slips, falls and injuries.

  • Reduces stress: Acupressure helps to reduce stress and anxiety, which can be beneficial for runners as it can help us to stay focused and perform better during training and competition.

By using AcuTech acupressure mat, designed keeping the needs of runners in mind, I assure that the pain in your feet will start to subside, and you’ll be able to train again without any discomfort or pain in your feet.

How to use AcuTech Mat?

Using AcuTech mat is really simple - just unfold the mat, spread it and lie on it for your full body massage. If you want to use it just for feet, put a part of the mat on the floor, keep your feet on it and experience the magic!

You can use it daily, after your practice or anytime of the day. It doesn’t require any electricity and is easy to carry around to your training locations. It comes with a nice carry bag for added convenience.



We all know, running comes with its fair share of pain and discomfort, especially in our feet. Acupressure mats offer a natural and effective solution for targeting specific areas of pain and can help runners to continue training and participating in races without interruption.

Don't let foot pain hold you back from reaching your running goals. Incorporating an Acupressure for Foot into your recovery routine can make all the difference. Imagine being able to train pain-free and crossing the finish line with a sense of accomplishment and pride.

Don't wait any longer, invest in an acupressure mat. Give your feet the love and care they deserve and experience the magic of acupressure for yourself. Order your acupressure mat today and take the first step towards pain-free running.


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