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Acupressure for foot - Benefits of doing it correctly

20 June 2023

The popularity of acupressure has come due to underlying credibility.

This alternative form of therapy originated in ancient China. Since then, it has shown amazing therapeutic potential against some common diseases.

Acupressure therapy is built on the basic principle of activating acupoints within the body, lying across the meridians.

People often ask various questions regarding acupressure for foot.

  1. Is acupressure good for foot pain?

  2. Is it good to massage your feet everyday?

  3. How do you use acupressure on feet?

In this article, we have explained all the questions and more relating to acupressure for foot. Continue reading to find an easy solution to make this a habit for life and improve your overall well-being.

Is acupressure good for foot pain?

A lot of us find our feet paining when we hit the bed. This could be due to standing for long, walking or running routines, wrong shoes amidst others. Can acupressure help?

Well, it definitely can.

Acupressure mats enhance the flow of blood to feet, making way for recovery and higher strength.


Wait before you think that acupressure on foot is just for foot! There’s more to it.

Understand Reflexology

It is a practice performed on feet to improve holistic well being.

The underlying idea is that there are meridian points on the feet that connect with other organs in the body.

Acupressure for foot is good not just for relieving foot pain but also for,

  • Reducing stress - This is achieved by improving blood circulation with pressure applied on acupoints. The improved circulation enables release of happy hormones called endorphins, thus, reducing stress and anxiety.

  • Enhancing relaxation - The improved blood flow also encourages the body and mind to relax, thus, improving overall moods and quality of life. This is supremely useful during period cramps or meno-pause pain for women.

  • Improving digestion - A point on feet is connected to the stomach. When this point is pressed, it improves the flow of blood to the stomach and improves digestion.

  • Relaxing eye strain - We all look at the screens for a significant part of our day. This leads to tightening of muscles around the eyes. The pressure points help relax the tight muscles and hence, reduce the undesirable strain.

  • Upgrading sleep quality - Lower stress levels lead to higher sleep quality.


These are just a few of the many benefits that come with a good foot massage.

Acupressure therapy is simply wonderful. It is non-invasive and uses just the right amount of pressure to treat various diseases and pains - acute as well as chronic.

Is it good to massage your feet everyday?

Yes, it is! Like how it is good to brush teeth everyday to improve dental health, it is good to massage feet everyday.

A good massage is all you need after a tough, busy day.

Remember massaging feet is not just for your feet, but for your entire body.

  • You can do acupressure massage on feet daily for 10 minutes

  • You can do the same just before going to bed or during the day

  • You do not have to find additional time for this. You can simply incorporate it in your routine by using AcuTech acupressure mat.

Along with good massage, remember to,

  • Wear comfortable footwears

  • Keep your feet elevated, wherever possible

  • Take plenty of rest

  • Drink plenty of water

  • And ofcourse, eat well

How do you use acupressure on feet?

This was never as simple as it is now, with the arrival of AcuTech acupressure mat.

Bringing the masseuse to your space, use it at your comfort.

Simply unzip 1 of the 3 sections of AcuTech mat to use part for feet.

Let its round spiky massagers do the needful while you relax!

With AcuTech mat, you can be sure of,

  • Using eco-friendly mat

  • Impactful acupressure massage to relieve pain or improve general health

  • Ease of incorporating foot massage into your daily routine

  • Accentuating the style component of life


Sounds like a plan? To know more, check AcuTech Mat by CoreAsana.

Happy relaxing!