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Healing through Sound

09 April 2022
Prerna Narang

What is Sound Healing?

Healing through sound is thought to have originated in ancient Greece, when music was used as a tool to treat mental illnesses. Music has been utilized to enhance military morale, help people work quicker and more successfully, and even ward off evil spirits by chanting throughout history.

What is singing bowl & why is it most interesting tool one can use for Sound Healing?

  • Singing bowls can sing and provide a relaxing environment. The bowl is made entirely of brass metal, with seven different metal alloys representing seven Vedic astrological planets. Also known as healing bowls, the singing bowl is used to heal the body and provide tranquilly to the mind and soul. 
  • Clinical study on humans has found that sound generated by good quality singing bowl provides a wide range of therapeutic effects, including aiding memory loss, stress reduction, and immune system stimulation.
  • Using a singing bowl is very easy, as you just have to move your finger in order to create a resonating sound which can calm your nerves.

Core Asana offers state-of-the-art singing bowls adorned with various satisfying patterns and designs, which will stimulate a sense of healing within you.