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New Positions to Try Out on Your Acupressure Mat

23 June 2023
Dhruv Nehru

Acupressure mats have gained popularity for their potential health benefits, promoting relaxation, relieving muscle tension, and improving overall well-being. With their strategically placed spikes, these mats stimulate acupressure points on your body, promoting a sense of calm and relieving stress. In this blog post, we'll introduce you to some new positions to try out on your acupressure mat. Whether you prefer lying down, targeting your feet, or sitting, these poses will help you maximize the benefits of your acupressure mat.

1) Full-Body Relaxation Pose:

Lie down on your acupressure mat with your entire body resting comfortably on the spikes. Extend your arms and legs, allowing them to fully relax. Close your eyes and focus on deep, slow breaths. This position helps to relieve muscle tension, reduce stress, and promote overall relaxation.

2) Neck and Shoulder Release:

Sit on a chair or a mat and place your acupressure mat behind your neck and shoulders. Gently lean back, allowing the spikes to stimulate the acupressure points in this area. Support your head with a pillow if needed. Breathe deeply and let the tension melt away from your neck and shoulders. This pose is excellent for relieving neck and shoulder tension caused by sitting at a desk or computer for extended periods.

3) Foot Revitalization Pose:

Sit comfortably on a chair or the floor and place your acupressure mat beneath your feet. Slowly roll your feet back and forth, massaging the acupressure points on the soles of your feet. Apply gentle pressure where desired, targeting specific areas. This pose helps to improve circulation, relieve foot pain, and promote relaxation after a long day.

4) Seated Meditation Pose:

Sit cross-legged on your acupressure mat with a straight spine. Place your hands on your knees or in a meditation mudra (hand gesture). Close your eyes and focus on your breath. The spikes will gently stimulate your buttocks and legs, promoting enhanced blood flow and helping you stay focused during meditation. This pose is ideal for combining the benefits of acupressure and meditation.

5) Lower Back Relief Pose:

Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground. Position your acupressure mat beneath your lower back, aligning it with your spine. Allow your body to sink into the mat, enabling the spikes to target the acupressure points along your lower back. This pose helps alleviate lower back pain, promotes relaxation, and improves circulation in the area.


Exploring new positions on your acupressure mat can enhance the benefits of this holistic self-care tool. Whether you choose to lie down and relax, target specific areas like your feet or neck, or even incorporate meditation, these poses will help you experience the full potential of your own acupressure mat. Remember to listen to your body, start slowly, and gradually increase your time on the mat for maximum comfort and relaxation. Enjoy the therapeutic benefits and discover the poses that work best for you!


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