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From Blocks to Straps: A Complete Guide to Yoga Props

03 October 2023
Aastha Waldia

Tired of teetering like a tower of blocks in yoga class? Join us on a journey from yoga struggles to zen mastery with the magic of props. Get ready to unlock the secrets of perfect poses and find the answer whether yoga props are necessary, at all, for your yoga practice.

Namaste, let's prop it up!


Are Yoga Props Necessary?

Yoga props are not crutches for beginners; they're bridges that connect practitioners of all levels to a deeper practice. There are 3 reasons that make the investment in yoga props worth it.

  • They provide support, alignment, and enhanced awareness, allowing you to explore postures safely and effectively.

  • Props also help you maintain poses for a longer duration, aiding in the development of strength and flexibility over time.

  • They empower you to customize your practice, ensuring that it caters to your unique needs and abilities.


How to Decide Which Yoga Prop You Need

Choosing the right yoga prop depends on your practice goals, body type, and level of experience. Here's a simple guide to help you make informed decisions:

Assess Your Goals: Determine whether you're focusing on flexibility, strength, relaxation, or a combination. Different props cater to different objectives, as we will see in the props description below.

Know Your Body: Consider any physical limitations or areas of discomfort. Props can provide targeted support to make your practice more accessible.

Level of Experience: Beginners might benefit from props like blocks and straps to ease into poses. Advanced practitioners might explore props for deeper variations.

Seek Expert Advice: Consult your yoga instructor or a knowledgeable practitioner for guidance tailored to your needs.

Experiment: Don't be afraid to try different props and see what works best for you. Over time, you'll develop a personalized prop collection.


Commonly Used Yoga Props and Their Benefits

Yoga Mat

Use for: Providing a stable and comfortable surface for your practice.

Why: A yoga mat creates an essential foundation, offering grip for standing poses, cushioning for seated poses, and a clean surface to ensure hygiene.

When it comes to yoga mats, the choices are as diverse as the poses themselves.


Cotton Mat:

  • Ideal for restorative yoga sessions.

  • Offers a gentle embrace and comfort.


Cork Mat:

  • Provides an earthy grip that enhances tactile connection to the practice.

  • Adds a unique earthy element to the yoga experience.


Rubber Mat:

  • Tailor-made for dynamic flows and active practices.

  • Offers supportive cushioning for joints and movements.


Yoga Block

Use for: Achieving proper alignment, balance, and support in various poses.

Why: Yoga blocks help bridge the gap between your body and the floor, allowing you to comfortably reach the ground and maintain correct form in poses.

CoreAsana’s yoga blocks are crafted from 100% sustainably harvested Portuguese cork, embodying nature's balance and your commitment to both your well-being and the environment.


Yoga Strap

Use for: Extending your reach and deepening stretches.

Why: Straps provide a helping hand in poses where flexibility is a challenge, allowing you to gradually improve your range of motion while avoiding strain.

Experience yoga on a whole new level with CoreAsana’s naturally dyed cotton belt, designed to support and enhance your practice while embracing the beauty of natural materials.


Yoga Bolster

Use for: Enhancing relaxation and opening the body in restorative poses.

Why: Bolsters provide gentle support to promote comfort, allowing you to fully relax into poses and experience a deeper sense of release.

CoreAsana’s yoga bolster is a sanctuary of support and relaxation with,

  • 100% linen exterior, and

  • a soft cotton casing filled with the finest, carefully selected cotton 

Yoga Blanket

Use for: Creating a cozy and comfortable environment, supporting body parts in poses.

Why: Blankets offer warmth, cushioning, and versatility, making them perfect for adding comfort to your practice and facilitating modifications.

Wrap yourself in pure comfort and mindfulness with CoreAsana’s cotton yoga blanket, thoughtfully crafted from 100% undyed cotton.


Hair Ties

Use for: Keeping your hair out of your face during dynamic movements.

Why: Hair ties prevent distractions and discomfort, allowing you to focus on your practice without interruptions.

Why use usual when you can make a statement with your hair ties? Choose from a variety of options in scrunchies and Proformance bands by CoreAsana 

Knee Pad

Use for: Protecting your knees during kneeling poses and exercises.

Why: Knee pads reduce pressure on the knees, making poses like lunges and knee-to-chest stretches more comfortable and sustainable.

Yoga Wheel

Use for: Deepening backbends, spinal stretches, and enhancing flexibility.

Why: Yoga wheels provide support in various stretches, helping you safely explore more advanced poses and improve spinal mobility.



Yoga props are like magical companions that unlock new dimensions of your practice. From enhancing alignment and balance to nurturing relaxation and mindfulness, these tools are there to support you every step of the way. So, whether you're rolling out your cotton yoga mat for the first time or you're a seasoned yogi, embrace the world of yoga props and embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation like never before.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: How can a yoga blanket be used effectively for relaxation?

To enhance relaxation, fold a yoga blanket and place it under your knees during savasana (corpse pose) to alleviate lower back tension. You can also drape a blanket over your body to stay warm and promote a sense of security during deep relaxation. The gentle weight of the blanket can help you ground your energy and release stress.


Q2: Are there specific poses where yoga blocks are particularly beneficial?

Yoga blocks can enhance various poses. They are commonly used in seated poses like Hero (Virasana) to support the hips and reduce strain. In backbends, blocks can be placed under the sacrum in Bridge (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana) to open the chest. Experiment with blocks in different poses to discover how they can improve your alignment, balance, and overall practice.


Q3: Are yoga straps only for beginners or can experienced yogis benefit from them as well?

Yoga straps are beneficial for practitioners of all levels. Beginners can use them to ease into poses, gradually improving flexibility. Experienced yogis can utilize straps to refine alignment and explore advanced variations of poses, such as binding in twists or deepening stretches in seated postures.


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